What if Christ-like parenting transformed your home?
Love & Logic Curriculum provides practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children.

Children learn the best lessons when they're given a task and allowed to make their own choices (and fail) when the cost of failure is still small. Children's failures must be coupled with love and empathy from their parents and teachers. This practical, research-based philosophy is backed with 47 years of experience.
Class details
Dates: Wednesdays; February 5th - March 5th
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Heck Building (308 N. Broadway Belgrade, MT 59714)
Cost: The registration fee is $150 per couple or $75 per individual. Parents are encouraged to contribute to childcare costs.

Scholarships available if needed!
How do I register?
To register click the button below!

For scholarship requests or any additional questions please email Grace at: grace@tablemt.org

Grace Tate

Kids Director