
In the Life of the Church

If you have professed faith in Christ and have been baptized, you belong to the ‘global church.’ In the New Testament, we discover that the global church is also intentionally local, whereby followers of Jesus gather in different ways to worship God and be together.

When trying to capture an image of what it means to be a part of the church, Paul uses the language of ‘member.’ However, Paul does not mean ‘member to a club.’ Rather, he uses the metaphor of a body with members (limbs, ligaments, etc.) to emphasize that everyone has a place and purpose in the church. Thus ‘membership’ is more about belonging, participation, and growth while being devoted to a local church joining God in his work a particular place.


On Sundays

At a Glance:
  • Cook food for the church potluck
  • Lead and serve with The Kids Table
  • Lead and serve our church in musical worship
  • Help facilitate hospitality for others


In Discipleship

At a Glance:
  • Consider joining a group
  • Commit to reading the bible with others
  • Commit to praying with others


With the Community

At a Glance:
  • Check the church calendar for events
  • Look for needs in your workplace & neighborhood
  • Listen to the local needs of Belgrade & Bozeman