Dear Church: Gospel Comes in Power

Sep 1, 2024    Cody Whittington
This Sunday we will continue on in our series "Dear Church." Last Sunday, we spent time looking at the Lord's Prayer and discussed the significance and necessity of becoming a people who anchor their lives in prayer. This Sunday, we will dive into the nature of sharing Jesus with others, in word and deed. It is easy to hear that topic and think, "I've heard that before. Plenty of times, actually." Yet, much like prayer, sharing Jesus with others is so multi-dimensional, filled with tension, but am absolute necessity in experiencing the joy God has for us. Much like prayer, it can feel like a burden at times, but breaking through that barrier tends to unleash the flood of God's goodness and power. So, even if you have heard it before, my hope is that we can come together and hear what Jesus would like to share with us through his Word, Spirit, and each other.