Gospel of Mark 2:18-22

Feb 18, 2024    Cody Whittington

This Sunday, we will look at Mark 2:18-22. Here, we have Jesus challenging customs around fasting by giving three strange images: 

1. A wedding

2. A patch of clothing

3. Wine

This section raises essential questions that go beyond fasting. Jesus shows up with ‘something new,’ and those who had been organized around tradition were upset. What does this look like today? How do we properly discern what God is up to in our culture and time? For example, CS Lewis is now celebrated as an essential voice for the contemporary church. Yet, he was not as popular then, and many resisted his work (he wasn’t perfect, to be sure, but he remains a trusted voice). How do we navigate the work of the Spirit through his people in our world?

- Pastor Cody